Jun 14, 2007 22:16
ok so i got my grades from spring quarter.
Database Design: A-
Project Planning: A-
JavaScript: C-
Marketing: D+
Tech Math: D+
alright well the 2 a's, thats awesome and a rare occurence for me. javascript im sort of pissed about. i know javascript. i did all my labs. and got 80's and 90's on all of them. so obviously i know the language. but i did shitty on the midterm and final. cuz i cant memorize facts for shit. its what i hate about the grading system. but whatever. now the d's....ugh math i guess theres nothing i can do i suck at math and that wont ever change and marketing i just didnt get it, im no business major, no marketing person...i know that. so i guess i passed um and thats all i can ask for.
but i need to do some gpa boosting. so i rearranged my schedule for next quarter.
Mondays: no class
forensic Science:930-1115
Human Relations: 1215-200
Server-Side Web Development:545-1040
forensic Science:930-1115
Human Relations: 1215-200
Advanced Web Page Design: 545-1040
Friday: no class
Not too bad...idk about forensics but it was the only elective that fit, maybe ill start watching csi or something lol. thursdays will be a long day but those 4 day weekends will be lovely.
on a completley different note....i wish i didnt always feel like i dont matter to anyone. more often than not it seems everybody that i tend to care about really doesnt care about me. theres a few exceptions...and they make me forget about the others and just smile. but it just makes me wonder why arent i good enough.......why do i always feel i must impress everyone? why do i never feel good enough?
....i guess i'll never know.