Internship jokes ahooyy

Feb 02, 2009 11:06

In Law School, they force you to get an internship the first summer. God forbid after slaving away you have any time off after finishing what could arguably be one of the most arduous tasks ever. Only to be out done by your second year of law school, your third year of law school, the bar, and the rest of your life as a practicing attorney.

So because my grades were SHIT last semester and that's pretty much all the go on, I've been looking for internships outside of the legal world. One of which happened to be at MSNBC, which spawned a whollle ton of inappropriate Monica Lewinsky-esque jokes. Here are the best two:

L.T.: hm...maybe that's the diet i need
Me: i'm gunna go on the msnbc intern diet
L.T.: oh god
Me: haha
L.T.: well... what popped into my head
Me: that was the point

not to be outdone by:

Anne: What would you do at MSNBC?
Me: What wouldn't I do for MSNBC? I mean, I'd probably get fired in 3.5 seconds for offering to blow Olbermann.
Anne: You wouldn't...
Me: Oh, I would, and I'm going to sign my cover letter with. "Why hire someone competent when you can hire someone who's willing to live under your desk for the duration of the internship"

Want to hire me as your lawyer yet?
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