First 'Distractions' from requiem_17_23
Since the start of the summit, Lucia had been surviving on distractions. Every time she found herself sinking into the pit of grief, she would find some matter with which to pull herself out. Some of these lines are pleasant, some are unpleasant, some are even tedious, but each one is welcome.
The meeting with Felix’ Watch. Discussions on Clarity of the Master Strategist. The discovery of Xavier’s Vigilance club. The Conclave meeting, with all its noise and overwhelming crush of people. The whole business with the severed head. The Zenith elections. Tristram’s document.
She almost ran out of distractions on Friday evening; it was at this point that she crosses paths with Iulian and, overhearing him mention the Three Sisters, briefly attached herself to his conversation with the hope of finding a new line. In any case, she was soon pulled into the task of searching for a lantern for Tristram’s brother. This task lead her to spilling lantern oil all over her hands and leaving them stinking, which was thoroughly disgusting, and yet still it was welcome.
It is Saturday night when the distractions truly run dry. She is sitting in the Phoenix Reach tent singing with them, and after the brief discomfort of being unexpectedly hugged by that Navarr bard she finds herself left with nothing with which to occupy her mind. She sits and stares into the mid distance, and even before Iulian asks her if she is alright she knows her distress must be seeping slowly into her features.
She knows at this point she would not be able to lie convincingly, so she tells him the truth.