Isca-bounce is irrepressible.
I am worried that Urizen is where the Empire sends people who have done something very bad, and need to Think about what they have Done.
Not being allowed hugs is horrible! I am not happy without hugs.
They have to live in Spires, so they can see lots of interesting trees, but do not go and climb them. That is no fun.
They sit still and be quiet and wear clothes which are no good for running round in, and don't seem to do anything fun at all.
Even when they do things which should be fun, like experimenting with magic, there are lots of rules, and they have to do lots and lots of writing using very long words, and ask permission from a lot of people and wait a long time to get it.
In Urizen they do get to learn lots of things, and they have libraries with books about everything ever. Visiting is a bit interesting, and will be a lot more interesting when I have learned enough long words to understand them. But I am glad I do not have to live in Urizen!
There was a talk about goats in boxes. It was a very silly talk. I asked some questions to help people find the answer, but people kept frowning at me, so maybe they didn't want clues. It is easy to find out if there is a goat in a box. If the goat is alive, it does not want to be in the box, and will make a lot of noise if you can get it inside in the first place. If the goat is dead, it will smell even worse than an alive goat. If someone says they have goats in boxes, but you cannot hear or smell any goats, they are probably playing a trick (especially if they are an Eternal), and you should not believe them. If they say that one of the boxes has 100 mana crystals in, you should definitely not trust them, because if they want you to have their mana, they would just give you it. What I would do is throw all of the boxes off a cliff, that way when the boxes burst open then you can see what is inside, without being too close. But if you do this then you should probably run away very fast, because the eternal might be angry with you. These people are not as Wise as they think!
edited to add...
So, Arete means being really good at things, and trying to get better at them all the time? I've got lots of Arete then! I am good at lots of things which are very useful and Virtuous, like running a very long way, and jumping out of trees, and I practice them all the time! As well, there are things which I am going to get really good at, but I haven't done it yet, like learning long words, and swimming. When I was born I didn't know any words at all, and now I know many words, so learning a few more can't be very difficult. The new things can't be as important as the things I am already good at though, because I mostly get on well without knowing them yet.
Poise is like only telling someone you are cross with them when it's useful, right? But if they don't know you are cross, then they won't stop making you cross. If someone says I might be a barkblood, I get really cross, but that works very well, because most people do not want an angry Isca dropping on their head twice, so they don't do it again. Easy!
Requests, impressions, etc welcome, though I do not promise to get round to them before MD2.