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- Leave a comment saying "MAYONNAISE"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
1. do you collect anything?
I kiiinda collect coins of the countries I've been to. But it's not like I'll be tearing my hair out if I can't find a certain coin :D I collect whatever's been received as change
2. strawberries or vanilla?
it's like comparing Peugeot with Yamaha. but I suppose strawberries.
3. what American series do you watch [or you can name just your favorites]?
How I Met Your Mother, House, The Big Bang Theory
4. if we forget Japan, what foreign country would be your favorite?
I think you've asked me this before. I think Prague is the most beautiful city on Earth, but I don't like the number of tourists there (I know I'm one of them, I'd hate myself too if I were a native). I dunno, I have only been to like 5 countries, so yeah. but the Czechs seem nice xD
5. do you like ANY of Korean idols?
and oh, I'll be gone for a couple of days. will return screaming, "JAPAN IS BEING PWND BY DENMARK, BUT I❤HONDAAAAAAA"