Mar 27, 2007 18:08
Basically my week's gone to poop...
My best friend throughout pre and primary school died on Sunday night from surgical complications when they were removing scar tissue on her brain...
Thanks to everyone who's been there for me through this; Harrington, Lacy, David, Joel, Georgeous Georgie and Kaylie... Means a tonne to me that people actually give a fudge these days... Don't know where I'd be these days without someone to ground me...
The University thing is going as well as can be expected, I've decided to not bother arguing a reponse to responses from the unit co-ordinator, the lecturer and the dean... They can't even decide amongst themselves what to do with me, let alone form a single unified opinion on it all...
Everyone has their own number,
In the system that we operate under,
We're moving into a situation,
Where your lives exist as information
One world,
One life,
One chance,
One reason,
All under,
One sky,
One season
I've gotta say that I usually hate those YouTube Mashes they do where they mix a song with some lame anime, however I think I've actually found one where the music really does suit the video...
Now, tell me that doesn't work... Go on, I dare you... Muhaha
I'd like inform everyone that Dr Who Returns to the UK on the 31st of March 2007... Smith and Jones will be an awesome episode, I can feel it in my not there waters!
Wish I could drive a van like that though... *Mutters*