Dec 26, 2007 01:03
Happy, happy Christmas time! It is over but good times were had by all.
Alex's presents were spot on, as always. Scrubs season 3 and a biography of Catherine the Great.
The boy did reasonably well: vintage poster calender (have have a few tin ads in my room, but never actually use a calender), a sauce recipe book (I do love recipe books), a Terry Pratchett illustrated novel (it is one I don't have but not so hype on the illustrations), and a teddy bear (which he got cuz it is all scruffy and I pick on him when he doesn't shave). So not too bad, esp considering he did that while I was passed out. I worked a 10 our midnight shift and crashed out at his place so he went shopping. Even brought me home food to wake me up with.
Mom and the monkey picked out a wireless mouse for me, and that totally rocks. And Alice gave me an expose novel on the Five Families. No Carintho's though *sigh* Sage made me a door hanger at her school, it's got a snowman and glitter all over it. She even signed the back...and it has all the letters of her name, but there is a bit of a problem with the order.
I got Alex a snowglobe thingy, it doesn't actually have snow or a scene in it. It has a post and 4 horseshoes....I spent a long time playing with it before I bought it.
For the boy - a mini Zen garden with a fountain and tealight. Plus a tiny laughing Buddha to put in the garden and DVD of random pirate movies. He has an Asian theme to his apt and an obsession for pirates and ninjas.
Mom got a new blanket and some episodes of The Dick Van Dyke show. Got the monkey a Larry the Cable Guy Christmas CD and the Dark Crystal. I got Alice new kitchen utensils to destroy and suede gloves. I added to Sage's toy collection with some little things. Even remembered to get something for Alice's husby - a collection that I wanted actually, Unsolved Mysteries of WWII.
fruit bat,
sgt boy,
random guy,
golden boy