Know well what leads you forward, and what holds you back

Dec 14, 2005 19:01

Now I remember why I hate finals: It brings out the stressed-version of people, the one that's typically quite nasty, edgy, and sometimes damn low on confidence and self esteem. A couple of my friends handle extremely well under stress (You can't even tell anything different about them) while others, well, simply put I think they're insane. Gotta love how stress brings out the worst in people when they're looking for their best for whatever exam they're writing. I cannot see how huge amounts of spazzing or self devaluation contributes towards success. As far as I'm concerned, it's important to know well what leads you forward, and what holds you back. Confidence leads forward. Determination and hard work leads forward. Excessive stress holds back. I could write a whole bunch about how I feel about how things are going right now, but it starts to get very emotional on my part (Particularly about good work ethic and how I wish I had that trait). I'd rather not discuss that kind of stuff. I just wish some of my friends would not be so harsh on themselves. If there was anything I could do to help besides watching it all unfold, whether it be to help them study or simply to let them know I believe in them (I believe in all my friends), I'd be inclined to do it right now.

When all's said and done, I'm looking forward to seeing finals to an end. The term has been good to me, shame it has to go out this way.
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