Oct 30, 2005 12:08
I guess the whole background socio-cultural dealy has to do with how I handle under alcohol effects, not to mention the obligatory discussion regarding physiology and metabolism. Still, it seems that I run into a lot of morality issues when drunk, as if those deeply-rooted personal rules of life still manifest when the rest of my perception and thinking has gone out with the diuretic-induced potty stop. I guess there are some aspects of my life my parents have managed to permanently stamp into my head. Ah well, it's probably better that I retain at least a bit of sensible restraint when drunk. This is, of course, compared to the others at the party, particularly the Aussie. There's something really amusing about watching a completely shitfaced Aussie stomp around drunk asking his roomies for a hug and kiss. Then the guy gets kicked out for hitting on the host's girlfriend. I must say the Aussie was the most drunk guy I have ever tried talking to, as we both attacked the vodka jello like maggots over a carrion smorgasbord.
The medal for best costume at the party goes to the guy who dressed up as the pope.