
Jul 05, 2011 21:28

[Action for 2236 Stevens Road]
[He felt...small. Not only small but everything in this house was tiny and breakable. But only on the scale Sanguinius used to be on. For now, he was normal human, lacking all the gifts the Emperor had blessed him with. He stepped around the house and outside, marveling at the surrealism of it all. Truly no place was like this in the galaxy. But then again, he recognized some of the appliances inside from his studies. The tellyfone was what stuck out the most. Maybe if he used that...]

[Phone to all]
Whoever is on the other end of this, tell me where in name of Terra am I? More importantly, where is my legion? I am Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels and those are my children. To have them taken from me...there shall be much to answer for. But I will hold my wrath until answers have been given.

intro, all intro posts are boring, terra to sanguinius

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