It's already 2011 somehow, so I guess I'll update this thing once again, looking at what happened on a dreadful year. This time around, we'll take a look at 2010, a year with still no flying cars!
As per the usual, I'll try and remember stuff, and I'll go with the month by month format again (I'm gonna get some help from facebooks and twittors this time, just for some sake.
January - Lions game! Drew Stanton, I am disappoint. Episode 3 of IATL The Webseries filmed! Also I bowled a 239, highest score ever at that point (more on that later)! Met Sarah's fam! Mall entries continue!
February - I lost my keys in the snow and found them with a metal detector! Sarah and I make some tough duck from Zhang BBQ on Valentine's Day! Days Inn prepares to go bye bye! :(
March - 26! Saw STP and fulfilled a grade school semi-dream of mine! Played some Dirty Harry on NES! Corey Haim sadly Double Switches out of life :(
April - It's been a year already!? Sarah! Also LAN 4 Rave! Also LAN 4 Rave 2! Bonanza Bros.! Gogol Bordello!
May - Bill Cosby comes out of his Pokeball! Sarah gets a house and I partially live there!
June - Belle the dog enters my life via Sarah's care! Go to wedding near K-Zoo!
July - SGC II! Win Sonic Collection on DS! Boogerman wins most original costume award! He then loses his $20 gift card to the SGC store :( 48 HOUR FILM PROJECT! DOWNTOWN CRACKDOWN! Here it is again!
Click to view
Includes a sword that I bought from QVC! Also this month just before 48HFP, cut my hair for the only time this year!
August - I won a game of Euchre after my Aunt and Uncle's 50th Anniversary Bash! Headed to Michigan Adventure with Sarah and sis-in-law and kids!
Sept - Farts, Beats, & Eats! Duke Nukem Forever shall return! Rocky Horror Picture Show, heh heh heh! World Heavyweight Kane! Sonic 4 was just ok.
Oct - Major Magic's doors FTW! Super Halloween Party! Boogerman returns! 10/10/10! Also Super Meat Boy is good game!
Nov - Vegas, otherwise pretty much uneventful stay at Aria, saw me winning $1000 on the Price is Right Live Show! Also a record/CD player, my bid was $4! I was going to take a picture with the hosts (Whammy! guy & Supermarket Sweep guy), but they left the stage while I was filling out paperwork for money and music :P Ate duck for Thanksgiving, second time this year! Also, officially left rental house, moved in with Sarah!
Dec - 268!!!!! Wii is in my hands! New TV as well!
Let's be this guy again!
Here's this too!
I'll be this guy too!
Here's this guy for spirit as well!