The Fourth of July

Jul 04, 2009 18:29

Brandon: Ya'll coming to Beth's for the 4th?
Mom: There's gonna be like 20 people there!
Me: I know one person who won't be.  ME!
Brandon: You're not going? 
Me: I don't know these people.
Mom: The Grandparents will be there.  They're funny.
Me: I don't care.
Brandon: Ashlea will be there.
Me: I'll go!

Yeah, how Firefly of us.

Needless to say, I went.  I woke up later than I wanted to this morning.  We had to be there at 12 or 12:30 and I slept til 10:30.  I had to get up and shower and shave.  THEN I had to make my S'more brownies!  They were the talk to the gathering.  *smug*  I know this one young girl loved them and talked her dad into eating them because they were "gooey" and "to die/kill for."  Not to mention that ASHLEA liked them!!  I'm quite the baker.  Though, it was honestly easy.  I didn't do it from scratch.  I simply bought brownie mix and made them, then added graham crackers, milk chocolate bars and marshmallows to the top.  Perfection.  I have yet to make a dessert that is not good.  I love baking.

I also went fishing with my brother.  I'm not big on the whole subject of hunting and fishing, but fishing I could get into.  It is sort of harmless.  I mean, at least we're not killing these animals, since my bro is allergic to and does not eat fish.  So we "catch n' release" them.  I caught one.  HE caught like 10. . .

I need more movies.  I went to Wal-Mart later than usual just to grab some movies.  I wanted the Alien Trilogy, but ended up getting something else.  I got Rob Zombie's Halloween.  I also picked up Eureka Season 3.0.  If I could afford it, I'd grab every movie I want to see.  Vinnie Jones is in Legend of the Bog, which online is more than the store price.  So many more I'd love to pick up off the $10 and $13 rack.  Also some novels, like James Rollins' The Doomsday Key, as well as Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith's Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

movies, fourth of july, books

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