Aug 17, 2007 22:11
Userpic says it all.
First off, for 3 weeks or so, the heat has been in the triple digits, according to the news. 37 people have died in the southern part of the US alone. 300 have been emitted to the ER. Makes me wonder when I'll succumb to one of those while working.
Secondly, tonight's Psych episode sucked. Not funny, at least to me.
Thirdly, Still haven't had a decent night's sleep. -_-
Fourthly, Michael Shanks and Lexa Doig *gags* will be appearing on separate episodes of Eureka. I love Eureka. I don't like those two though. Regardless of them being in SG-1. Now, if they only appear in a small, small part, I'll be happy.
Fifthly, I'm still pacing over my schooling decision. My princess is supporting me no matter what my decision is. That helps me out a lot. Doesn't pressure me so much to do one or the other. god, I love her. I just wish I could show her.
Sixthly, I don't have to work tomorrow. I'm gonna do some shopping. Find something with a lavender scent. I was told that will aid in sleeping. Call me girlie if you'd like. -_- When I'm sleeping like a baby because of it, you can kiss my ass! haha!
Lastly, I was hoping to make amends with two friends. Trouble over an RP has torn a rift between me and another. I rarely, if ever, talk to her. Then another seems to have a problem with me "ignoring" her posts. However, it occurred to me, after going back to look, she ignored me, and she and her friend went on with their plot without us. . . *shrugs* I thought that might be one problem that's keeping me from sleeping. I don't know.
I guess that's all, for now. The longer I sit here, the more i feel. . . like i'm floating. I'm exhausted. I think. not so sure anymore.