(no subject)

Mar 09, 2012 14:34

Welcome to Sony Online Support. I'm Wade. Please allow me a moment to review your concern.
1:57 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Thanks for waiting. I understand that the some the files from the USB flash drive are not reading in the Car stereo. I will be glad to assist you with this.
1:59 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Please let me know if there is any message is being displayed on the Car stereo display while playing the files from the USB flash drive.
2:01 PM Customer:
forgive me for being kurt. I don't contact support very often. let me reassure you that I am considering never buying Sony again because of it's issues with USB ports and the way their stereos read files
2:02 PM Customer:
I've tried removing all files from the usb onto my computer and then back onto the usb drive and even though no error messages are displayed, the player simply fails to recognise some files
2:03 PM Customer:
it seems to be random, because when I repeat the moving of files from and back onto the drive within the computer, the next time I plug the drive into the player, it will be a completely different set of files that the player fails to recognize
2:03 PM Wade - (C4IF):
I'm really sorry for the inconvenience you are handling with the product.
2:03 PM Wade - (C4IF):
I do understand your concern.
2:06 PM Wade - (C4IF):
I'll provide you the compatible audio file extension types supported on this Car Stereo receiver .
2:07 PM Customer:
I don't need that.
2:07 PM Customer:
I'm not an idiot.
2:07 PM Connecting...
2:07 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:07 PM Connecting...
2:07 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:07 PM Support session established with Wade - (C4IF).
2:08 PM Customer:
ALL files that I am putting onto the usb are .mp3 and the player is isn't recognizing the files
2:08 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Please let me know if all the files in the USB are not recognizing on the Car stereo.
2:09 PM Customer:
Like I said before. It only recognizes some.
2:09 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Thank you for the confirmation.
2:11 PM Customer:
in an alphabetical list of the files, after I moved them all from my computer to the usb drive, the sony stereo simply doesn't read the files past "s" this time. NO, the usb drive isn't out of memory, because like I said before, the files are clearly visible and playable on my computer
2:12 PM Customer:
If I were to remove all files from the usb drive and then wipe it's memory and move files back onto it that the sony stereo wouldn't read before, those files would now be visible and the stereo would play them. I have verfied this 3 times
2:14 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Please wait while I review the concern.
2:16 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Thank you for waiting.
2:18 PM Wade - (C4IF):
I understand that when the files are added in the USB Drive then the Stereo will not be able to playback them and only few are able to play. However, if all the files are removed and re-transferred back to the USB Drive then the Stereo is able to recognize and able to playback them (the files that are not able to playback also). Am I correct?
2:20 PM Connecting...
2:20 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:21 PM Support session established with Wade - (C4IF).
2:21 PM Wade - (C4IF):
I didn't receive a response, are we still connected?
2:21 PM Customer:
I will repeat the entire thing once more. Please be honest with me and let me know if I am simply wasting my time with Sony's "customer service" and if there is a standard set of responses. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just quite annoyed with Sony at the moment to the point where they are about to lose a long time customer
2:23 PM Customer:
I put a list of albums on the usb drive using my computer. then, i plug the drive into the sony stereo and it will read most of the files, but simply fail to recognize some folders, which do in fact contain .mp3 files in them and are absolutely no different from any other folders.
2:24 PM Customer:
Then, I even tried removing ALL files from the drive onto my computer and moving only the folders the stereo wouldn't read before onto the drive and plugged it into the stereo and those files could be viewed and played
2:26 PM Connecting...
2:26 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:26 PM Connecting...
2:26 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:26 PM Support session established with Wade - (C4IF).
2:26 PM Customer:
So I moved ALL files back onto the computer, to make sure I could safely format and wipe clean the usb drive. Then moved ALL folders, containing ONLY .mp3 files back onto the usb drive and this time, it would read all folders in alphabetical order (including ones that it woudn't read before), but the sony stereo currently will not read any folder I put onto the usb drive after the letter S
2:27 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Thank you for the detailed information.
2:28 PM Customer:
again, I don't mean to be rude. This sony product is very frustrating and it alone is causing me to rethink my loyalty to sony
2:29 PM Wade - (C4IF):
Please remove all the folders containing the MP3 files, and play back only the MP3 files from the USB on the Car stereo.
2:31 PM Customer:
=| If I remove all folders from the usb, there will be no mp3 files to play back will there?
2:32 PM Wade - (C4IF):
I meant that copy the Mp3 files from the folder and remove the folder in the USB and playback only the Mp3 files.
2:32 PM Customer:
I'm completely wasting my time right now, aren't I?

2:33 PM Wade - (C4IF) would like you to complete a brief Customer Survey. Open Customer Survey
2:33 PM Wade - (C4IF) has ended the session.


Guess so!


Follow up

2:46 PM Connecting...
2:46 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:46 PM Support session established with Luke - (C3L3).
2:46 PM Customer:
Hello Luke
2:47 PM Customer:
Do you have the specs on the model stereo i'm asking about?
2:47 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Hi. Welcome to Sony Online Support. My name is Luke. Please allow me a moment to review your concern.
2:48 PM Customer:
I have a very specific question, Luke
2:49 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry that the Car Stereo is not recognizing the USB flash drive in it. I'll be glad to assist you with this.
2:50 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Please let me know if you have formated the flash drive in FAT 32 format before inserting into the Stereo.
2:51 PM Connecting...
2:51 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:52 PM Support session established with Luke - (C3L3).
2:52 PM Customer:
FAT 32 is the default and yes
2:52 PM Connecting...
2:52 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:52 PM Support session established with Luke - (C3L3).
2:52 PM Customer:
I want to know if this stereo's usb port is capable of reading only a set number of folders within the usb drive.
2:53 PM Customer:
or even a set number of files. And once that number is exceeded, if the stereo can no long read any additional files or folders
2:54 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Sure, I'll let you know about that.
2:55 PM Customer:
It seems to not be able to read any information on the usb drive past album # 127
2:57 PM Luke - (C3L3):
the maximum # of data(folders) that the Car Stereo can display is 128.
2:57 PM Luke - (C3L3):
2:58 PM Luke - (C3L3):
It can track files of numbers 500 in each folder.
2:58 PM Connecting...
2:58 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
2:59 PM Support session established with Luke - (C3L3).
2:59 PM Customer:
THANK YOU! Why couldn't the technician tell me that before? Now can you tell me if Sony offers any stereos that can display beyond that?
3:01 PM Luke - (C3L3):
I'm sorry for the Network delay. I'm still searching for the information to provide you.
3:03 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Thanks for waiting.
3:04 PM Customer:
3:04 PM Luke - (C3L3):
I'm sorry. At present point of time there is no new Car Stereo available still now which can read more then 128 folders and 500 files per folder.
3:05 PM Luke - (C3L3):
per folder in a USB flash. *
3:06 PM Connecting...
3:06 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
3:07 PM Connecting...
3:07 PM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
3:07 PM Luke - (C3L3):
If you need any additional information, feel free to stop by our chat room again using the same email address.
3:07 PM Support session established with Luke - (C3L3).
3:07 PM Luke - (C3L3):
It was very nice chatting with you.
3:07 PM Customer:
that is exactly the technical information I need to carry on. Thank you. i wish that either I could have asked that question to the first technician or he would have thought to
3:09 PM Luke - (C3L3):
I'm sorry for the loss of your precious time passed earlier.
3:09 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Have a nice time ahead.
3:09 PM Luke - (C3L3):
Good bye and thank you for contacting Sony Online Support today.
3:10 PM Luke - (C3L3):
If you would like to be the first to know about our latest products and receive exclusive offers, please sign up for our newsletter:
3:10 PM Luke - (C3L3) has sent a link: http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SYNewsletterOptInView?storeId=10151&catalogId=10551&langId=-1&XID=M:cs_email
3:10 PM Luke - (C3L3) would like you to complete a brief Customer Survey. Open Customer Survey
3:10 PM Luke - (C3L3) has ended the session. tell me that in the first place


"I'm sorry for the loss of your precious time passed earlier."


Even though he was totally being a smart ass, that was worth it.

End Transmission.
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