Jul 14, 2010 00:01
- 01:26 No actual work tomorrow, so will have to come up with another reason to fire up the BevisMobile twitpic.com/24sofc #
- 01:39 StreetHawk has got nothin' on the BevisMobile, Nuthin'! twitpic.com/24srxx #
- 09:17 Ouch! hurty hurty :( damn shoulder D: #
- 09:21 I have been mistaken for a lesbian, yet again :S #
- 11:15 @ riotness_99 I think I just got a strain training with the sai #
- 11:28 rest really does seem the best option at the moment #
- 11:31 @ PennyRoyal67 tell him that if he doesn't like it when you're done that you will put it back to how it was if you leave :D #
- 11:34 @ ayarocks a lot of friendly fire now involves infantry support aircraft firing from too greater height to recognise friend from foe #
- 11:36 @ ayarocks IMO Collateral damage is usually the result of safeguarding machines and equipment at the sake of lives. #
- 11:47 Happy Birthday @Maukingbird :D #
- 11:56 Quiero una siesta, voy a dormir una siesta :P Bevis ist ein fauler Narr mais quand il rêve, il rêve de l'amour #
- 14:56 @ iwannotowidigdo
#movieswithbatman the Dark Knightmare before Christmas :P # - 14:59 @ CourtneyLoveUK new vid? hope it goes well and gets plenty of airing. #
- 15:05 @ xfm movie soundtracks? Sid & Nancy for the Pogues song - Haunted. I suspect @CourtneyLoveUK has sang it at some point & she should cover it #
- 15:26 @ CourtneyLoveUK meet me at St. Louis, lol. Hope the tour is going strong. What I would do to see your show in the windy city :D #
- 15:44 As much as I like @RufusHound there is no denying that @DrMuhahahaha has got it going on BIG TIME, so I want to be in #HoundedTeamDrMu #
- 15:57 @ RockerGrrrlx I found your FB Fan page, Really like it :D #
- 16:10 @ RockerGrrrlx I have my own FB fan page with a fair few members, I think there would be some people interested there, mind if I post a link? #
- 16:24 @ stephmog well I suppose that is one of the advantages of Manchester, it is quite ahem faceless here :S #
- 16:42 The Libdems have called my bluff and are asking me to actually do something about it.Will I answer and take responsibility and do some work? #
- 17:36 @ Maukingbird Happy Birthday from Merry Little ole England www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPu-ANDxkQE (yes it is raining lol) #
- 17:55 How do I answer to the allegations that I am a communist sympathiser? NIET KOMRADE! lmao #
- 18:48 @ jenyockney @stephmog well I do declare, apparently I write like Mark Twain iwl.me/ thank you for that you two fine LD's :D #
- 18:50 twitpic.com/24srxx - @CourtneyLoveUK Oxford is just out of range of the BevisMobile, but if you ever want to to borrow the mean machi #
- 19:40 @ CourtneyLoveUK Consumption? That is serious matter TB effects many third world countries like... guess what, there are poor kids everywhere #
- 19:44 Don't go giving me that I ain't got no book learning @CourtneyLoveUK , we all know your street smarts mean you can outwit any Oxford don :P #
- 19:48 @ DolllxParts I presumed that I had got Courtney Love pissed and she blocked me. But if your getting that then perhaps something is wrong :( #
- 20:03 @ DolllxParts yep just a glitch phew, I know I kid at times but I.... when the shit hit the fan I had Hole and it got me through. #
- 20:07 @ CourtneyLoveUK considering the travesty that Nick Broomfield committed to celluloid I really think you should commission your own film. #
- 20:11 @ bcllav I had quite a good weekend thank you :D #
- 20:15 Hello to @peacelovefaithx and @Terrah1982 I don't know how you two got a tweet linked to me but hope your day is going well :D #
- 20:19 @ CourtneyLoveUK I thought you were happy with your 'relationship status' I hope you are. #
- 20:20 @ CourtneyLoveUK It must be terrible trying to conduct a social life of any kind with the scrutiny you must be under. #
- 20:25 @ CourtneyLoveUK I wish I could help you, because you helped me but I can't at the moment. If that changes, you call on me & I will help you #
- 20:29 @ peacelovefaithx so good to hear that :D today seems quite a good day. #
- 20:42 @ KristNovoselic OMG look at the bruises on the fruit :P #
- 21:00 @ CourtneyLoveUK Nancy Chapman? No relation to Mark Chapman I hope :S #
- 21:46 @ AnneT94 L7 :-D I was citing the whole Donna Sparks thing a couple of days ago and I missed them out on the 80's 90's Rock #
- 22:53 @ CourtneyLoveUK You can never over explain fashion. Looking good and feeling good sometimes go hand in hand. #
- 22:57 @ CourtneyLoveUK the look takes precedent over the label. We all look beautiful or Handsome when we look our best, apart from Axle Rose lmao. #
- 23:25 @ bcllav your right @CourtneyLoveUK is looking good in the new profile pic. #
- 23:27 @ Billy when I was 12 my favourite song was 'The Safety Dance' by Men Without Hats. I didn't know at the time it was about moshing lol :S #
- 23:29 @ bcllav you don't have to thank me :) just keep a place open in your choir ;) #
- 23:32 @ bcllav well I don't expect it will be anytime soon. But it is nice to think that there would be a church I would be received in :) #
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