(no subject)

Jun 27, 2010 00:01

  • 11:29 @ A__Jaxxx hello #
  • 11:36 A bottle of rum and drank tequila slammers and beer in the 'Hard Rock Cafe' TM. Does anybody remember the Sex Pistols Rock'n'Roll swindle? #
  • 11:40 @ A__Jaxxx I am pretty good, despite the horrors I witnessed last night in the Hard Rock, what a crock. #
  • 11:41 @ A__Jaxxx I'm just trying to think of a place with the word rock in the title, that rocked less LMAO #
  • 11:50 @ A__Jaxxx No fights,No bands, took a friend to show him, took him into the V.I.P. area and he was all like we can't go in there, we did tho #
  • 11:51 @ A__Jaxxx it came close to a fight because of the world cup football,I was polite to somebody watching it&was told 'are you taking the piss' #
  • 12:07 @ A__Jaxxx I was stood waiting to be served for the first time in HDC his wimpish son was there before and didn't say anything to the staff #
  • 12:08 @ A__Jaxxx So guess what, he didn't get served, so he sends his son away and starts yelling at the staff for two pints of Stella #
  • 12:13 @ A__Jaxxx The waitress sees me waiting patiently and goes to me first, 'what can I get you' I point to him say-this gentleman was before me #
  • 12:21 How the hell can somebody object to me being polite to them? That is why I choose the alternative, in the hope of finding patience& kindness #
  • 18:16 @ SarahForgot Why not pretend to like the party, perhaps you might even get to be the girl with the most cake ;-) #
  • 18:21 Busted by @bcllav , caught listening to Hole. #
  • 18:23 But it ain't just fer girls, c'mon positive discrimination still sucks big time. What was that Roddy Bottom? #
  • 18:30 Male energy, like Mike P kicking out Big Jim? Like Liam G kicking out Bonehead #
  • 18:36 @ clovetweetarmy and @CourtneyLoveUK and @bcllav so have I got this right? Mel de Nice Girl got 6 BMWs, how does she drive them all at once? #
  • 19:04 @ bcllav Thankyou, no idea where they get their good lucks. But My ex wives always insisted on moving to areas with good lucking Mailmen #
  • 23:25 @ bcllav I <3 that name, Roddy Bottom, I love the whole, yeah we like Heavy Metal but what is wrong with ahaving a 'rock song u can dance to #
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