A Seemingly Random Compilation of A Series of Events That Have Happened to Me

Sep 11, 2005 01:53

First I should start off talking about school. Freshman Seminar is the worst 2 hours I have ever spent $81,000 on. Yes, I know I'm not "Ready" for college in the academic sense, I don't need to be told it, and I'd prefer to just learn it on my own, and not have to sit uncomfortably close to a 45 year old guy who wears Battle Boots Judge Dredd might wear. English II, interesting class, I think just going to Bertucci's at then end when all the waitresses are relaxed is the best part, one of them thought I was asking for sex when I asked for a Three-way High-Five. That and the fact that there is another person with Battle Boots in there, and The End Of The Affair is pretty good. History of The Moving Image seemed like an awesome class which I guess it is, but the professor nearly killed me by implying that the world nearly ended because Ronald Reagan was President. Listen I know Professors are Liberal, but to say something like that about the Gipper? I felt like a Vampire who had holy water thrown on them, the words stinging my soul. I haven't had any other classes yet, although I am looking forward to Digital Photography.

In other news, I took my first "real" bus ride friday. Growing up I used to take the bus with my grandmother to Northgate and then back, I assumed buses made all the stops. I didn't know what the use of those Yellow strips where. I thought they where like the draw string Clara uses in Back To The Future III, you pulled (or pushed) them to get off anywhere you wanted. So I when I got on the 109 at Sullivan Square, I was feeling pretty confident. I was riding the bus, I was in control, I knew what I was doing. Then I started hearing this noise, "Stop Requested." The voice of the computerized female, was calming at first. The man who pushed it was old he must have missed his stop thats all. But I kept hearing it, more and more people where getting off. Surely that wasn't what that yellow stripe was for. I started to panic, what if he went by the stop? What if he missed it and I couldn't get to the stripe. I made a plan to get off at the nearest "requested stop" that I recognized. Long John Silvers was nearby, and so I got off an began my trek. I walked for about 15 minutes, and I found a nice set of steps to sit down and wait. I still have 2 hours to go. I decided to do some HOTM homework, I got a sheet done, and I still had about an hour and a half to go. I started to read The End of The Affair. Then at around 2 o'clock I walked down further. I plopped my self down on what looked like a comfortable piece of curb, and it was for about the first half hour. I sat there waiting, then when 3 rolled around I was getting a little annoyed, "Pissed" is perhaps the best word to describe it. I was getting blown off again and I just stumbled right in to it. I began to have another one of my deep thinking sessions about my social ineptness and my ability to be so god damn gullible that I'd sell my soul to satan if he turned in to a woman and said she'd kiss me. 4 o'clock came, I was now tired from standing in the sun and sitting on hard concrete. I called my mother told her to come get me (as I was going to the airport soon anyway, I later decided that my 47th trip to Florida wasn't really that needed). Then after a few minutes I heard a door open and there she was. Jessica (she'll be happy to see her first appearance in this is the longest entry so far), she had come home a different way, a route that if taken, has no clear line of site of my "comfortable" section of sidewalk. So here I was, thinking I was the one blown off and lied to, where in reality we both thought the same thing about each other, although I don't know how she could think I could possibly say i'll be some where or I'll meet you and not show up, it's one of the things that are most important to me. So after I explain my 3 hour long wait, I bought a Kit-Kat bar which will prove to be important later on in this "entry". After my almost prophetic purchase of my Kit-Kat bar we headed to the local delicatessen. I have seen many strange things in my time; a woman vomiting in my father's mouth while he was giving her CPR on top of a mountain, A reserved parking space for Bill Gates and Micheal Jordan at the Air Force Academy..the list goes on. But in terms of sandwiches, "The Pickle Sandwich" is the most bizarre and oddly appealing looking victual I have ever seen. After ordering our food, we maneuvered our way through the small crowd of Juvenile delinquents (well I hate that term, A juvenile is an individual who is not an adult and Delinquency is a failure of responsibility and if responsibility is an Adult aspect how can one who is not an adult be a Delinquent? Answer is simple, they are simply criminals). It's amazing what some "kids" think they can do with their parents, if I ever spoke to my father the way the way they where speaking to their parents, my father would have drawn and quartered me, only instead of using rope he'd use my freshly ripped innards. What happened after that I won't discuss much, mostly because seeing how this is a public "journal" I think I can retain some privacy, but to give you voyeurs a kick I'll make a side comment. If there was ever a time when I wished Quantum Leap was real, it was then and 4 months ago.

On to what made the procurement of the Kit-Kat bar so important. Well when I got home, i decided I'd rather stay home this weekend than spend $200 for one day in florida, so i went To Paul's. Now when I got to his house, you have to remember how much I was walking and standing Friday. I had to stand on the train to brookline, I had to walk about a mile from the wrong train station to the right one, had to stand on the train back to government center, I had to stand on the way back to Sullivan Square, I had to Stand for the bus, then I walked from where I got off to where I sat on those steps for and hour, and I walked down the road a little bit more, paced back and forth for 2 hours on that curb, walked to and back from the subshop, and then walked to paul's. That is a lot of standing and walking, so when I got there, my right leg was killing me. I needed to take some aspirin, but I get sick from aspirin if I don't have anything to eat, and there was no food around at Paul's...but luckily I still had my bag with me and inside, was that Kit-Kat bar. Needless to say, that Kit-Kat bar was extra good.
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