I"M ALIVE.....

Jan 26, 2004 23:29

It's true, I am alive and well and In Boston. What a surprise eh? Since my birthday it was one mad dash thing to another. But here I am back again at the start of another semester here at Emerson. It's funny, once I am done with this term I'll be half-way to my Masters Degree and one giant step closer to what it is I've been thinking about for some time: becoming a College level Professor. I know it sounds silly, you think back to all the sayings "Those who can do, those who can't teach," or all the jokes about how teachers earn next to nothing and get treated like ten degrees less than pond scum...but I just can't believe it. The way in which my Professor's here have been changing the way I think and feel (And the way a handful of them did the same at Purchase) about life and the strengths they give us. In my opinion to teach, and to teach well, is a rare and precious gift that only a select few of those who attempt it can succeed at it. Hell I don't even know if I can do it; but I sure as hell know I want to try and do it. So in another year and a half we'll see just what the hell I've gotten myself into.

Work at the Majestic is as good as usual if not as dramatic as working in any theatre should be. First my house manager, Joe, got promoted to Clearchannel (They run Broadway in Boston here in Boston) and is now an assistant house manager at one of the Big 5 (The five big theatres in the theatre district) so he left the Majestic soon after I arrived on the 16th. However it was not all good news, a mere few days before he was to start his new job his mother, who had been fighting cancer, passed away due to her weakened immune system and complications that I as of yet do not know of. So for obvious reasons he was not at work for his last weekend. It's a really different theatre without him there, not as fun of a place but still a good place to work. He'll be missed.

But a funny thing happened at work this past weekend, I actually ran into someone I knew at Purchase. Her name is Dilsha and I remember her both from Choir and from my German classes with Frau Isaac my Freshman year. She was an Opera major there for some time while I was there and I lost track of whatever became of her after she Graduated and when most of my ties to the old Opera department dried up when it came time for me to leave. She's married now and lives in Boston. Just goes to show what can happen to life in a couple of years eh?

Well back to some of my reading...I'll be in touch soon. More of my life taking me away now, considering that this is the first time I've had the chance to peruse LJ and my on-line comics in weeks and it seems to me I've missed some stuff. Time to get back to it then, both to my work and the little corner of the world I have right here.
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