Jul 24, 2003 23:05
You know what the really dumb thing about my job is? The fact that when I get in, around 8 AM, I usually have nothing to do at all until about 10:30 or 11:00, and because I am fast at typing and filing I get it done within a half an hour and not the hour and a half it would take most people they’ve had here. Which leaves me with an hour until my lunch, which my boss Pete just says to leave early and come back, whenever, most days….now I know to most of you this would sound great; but I’m a freak. I need work, I love to work. And the fact that they’re paying me to type up journal entries, listen to my iPod (To which the main boss Barry’s only comment is, ‘Who’re you listening too’ which is very cool of him) play solitaire and fiddle around the office. I mean getting $400 a week to do almost nothing is great, but sometimes I just wish they’d give me more to do, like actually doing what they hired me for. The fun thing though is that I get to call people for money they owe us, nothing like being an ass when it comes to money that’s not even your own.
The best thing about work is though that I can keep either Microsoft Word or Excel open at all times most people think I’m working on either a letter or a chart for work. Like just now. That’s the one advantage being a seasonal employee has when you’re in an office: do your work fast and right and most people think you’re amazing, but little do they know it’s just about doing the work and a slightly faster than normal speed and you’ll have a lot of time to do whatever you want.
Hmmm....I’m winning at solitaire a lot more than I usually would; this is a good thing I think.
Work’s okay though, people are nice and the pay is basically good, higher than a lot of people get for starters, except for my sister that is. Somehow she can always manage to one-up me; she’s getting paid $18.50 an hour to do observation/experiments in one of the PC labs at her school. Speaking of which....I need to make sure I e-mail the Emerson Help Desk my resume/application for work there. If I can swing a job there, on campus as it were, it’d make my up-coming job search not a priority and give me some income at hand when I get to the school.