Jan 24, 2007 01:34
So due to a lovely sale at Barnes and Nobles back home right at the beginning of January I was able to purchase the other 4 seasons of Queer As Folk (a lovely show if you haven't heard of it, and hell if you haven't heard of it what the hell are you doing reading my journal...leave!) and finally decided to stop being a pussy and watch the final episode of the show.
At first I was like what is everyones problem? I didn't get what they were talking about how the episode excluded Justin is some way until I came to the end where they had Babylon reopened and all of the gang their except for Justin. And I fucking flipped!! I mean..........seriously WHAT THE FUCK!
Look I'm not going to assume as to the fact that I know anything about the real life supposed drama that involved some of the cast but there was no valid reason why Justin couldn't have been there. I mean if you really look at it, what would the show have been without Justin, and yet in the end we are suppose to forget him like some horrible secondary character there to slow down the plot and add a useless plot line.