1000 reasons to smile...

Jun 13, 2011 01:14

Have you ever heard the saying when life hands you 100 reasons to cry show it you have 1000 reasons to smile? It's one of my favorites...though I haven't been given any reason to cry lately I like to remind myself that I always have a reason to smile...to laugh.. and to believe I am worth something...that I do deserve all the great things that are happening...

It's the little things...that make me smile and realise just how happy I really am.

I have a good life, an amazing family, strong spirituality...and the best friends a girl could ever ask for, a guy that while not technically mine, really is my best friends he is just so everything...every happy word and every wonderful thing,  knows exactly what I need when I need it.

My life is filled with people that love me and make me laugh and I could not be more grateful.

I really want to be for them, what they are for me.   I want to be the type of person that when others are around they can't help but smile...I think I am most of the time...my job makes it hard sometimes but as hard as it can be it also helps me to be a happy person.  My job really gives a person perspective.

I have some creativity, one talent I really cherish...there aren't very many things I'm really good at but I am good with the creative stuff.

I am good at being happy, at caring for others, at being what people need me to be...I need to remind myself that I am good at some things...that while I may not be very good at being independant, or anything involving technology and math or grammer...I am good with people and while technology can be learned, being able to show genuine empathy and love for everyone is a very rare quality.

I don't know why I'm rambling about this. I guess I needed to give myself a pep talk sort of...I'm nervous, and a little scared that I'm not enough....I know in the back of my head that it's not true...but somewhere back there there's a little voice that keeps telling me that i'm not good enough....that he wouldn't have walked away all those times before if you were good enough...it's silly...it's a chick things I guess...I know it's not true...but needed the pep talk just the same lol...

I really am  happy, and I hope that I make the people I love happy and proud the way they do for me.

Things are good...Excellent really.

I just needed to write it down,  I need people to know they are appreciated very very much, and to remind myself that I am too...:-D


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