it's coming down, it's coming down...

Mar 08, 2006 03:18

beautiful night of san antonio fun. i wasn't planning on anything tonight actually. & isnt it always then when you have the most fun? yes, i think it is. & i think it's called...spontaneity. mhmm. mhmm. i had, for the most part, a craptastic day of swirling emotion. todd said it best; "don't you hate it when you wake up in a bad mood simply because what it says on your alarm clock?" meaning, i wanted to wake up at 10, i woke up at 2. good job grown up. then, i putzed. picked up gabe. watched tv. did some mindless work. bought some jeans that fit. (im losing weight like crazy, already down a size in pants & shirts. my dad says this is reason to celebrate. i cried for 10 minutes.) then i got an unexpected call from the todd-meister. he had said earlier, rather mysteriously seeing as we hang out every night, that he didn't think he'd be able to see "night watch" tonight. but it turns out he could & we did. a-gah. delciously entertaining, go see it. ridiculous amounts of mind blowing effects and beautiful subtitling. theeen, neither of us wanted to go home & sit around waiting to be tired. so around 12:45 we grabbed a cup of coffee at starbucks & strolled through an empty quarry. i always enjoy that place when it's deserted. after that we switched to my car & decided to embark on a downtown adventure. mind you, it's now 1:30 & downtown is deserted as well. but that's the way we wanted it. took tours of both the menger & hotel valencia (which i hadnt been in yet & it is swan-ky. i want to stay there. a lot. for the rest of my life.) made up a new slogan for the US post office. fought off some crazy drunks. ok, i made that up. now im home. nice night. good conversation. i am truly happy.

for the past 2 days ive had this adreniline just pumping through me. excitement of living & growing. im taking steps toward living. i can taste the future. & it tastes goooood. something's coming.

the next few weeks are sure to bring more in to my life in the way of happy. kes will be home this weekend. the JEMP boys too. spurs game. beach. maybe austin. a LOT of bars. FRIENDS! then off to santa fe for some family time. the kes-amy-mel-sam-ariel family, not the one i was born in to. & then, well, the world is my oyester.


hope my waves of good, positive energy are hitting everyone. peace.
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