Jul 19, 2004 14:14
Ive been trying to quit smoking all weekend, but I cant.I left my house this morning without smokes, and ended up buying ten, and now its 2.15 and I have 2 of the fuckers left.Woe is me.AND I left my phone at home! Grr! I went to Vicar Street Friday night to see two b ands with Karac and the rest, Subtonics and Stand, the Subtonics were absolute brutal,their lead singer made me want to strangle everyone in the room,he was shit, but Stand were just great.The lads were giving out saying they didnt rock, but I thought it was a lovely, welcome home warm show, after theyd spent a long time doing Europe and the States.Unfourtunetly they didnt get one mention in Hotpress, and I found a nasty review on the Oxegen site I really dont want to bring to any of their attention.
No news really, Im trying out for a punk band this week and meeting a guy on Thursday in Cafe Irie for a 'serious' chat.Everythings looking good, just wish I was a better singer now.I drank copious amounts of honey and warm water at the weekend, kicking the fags is getting more ambitious now that Karac has done it and he sounds way better than he ever has in just a few weeks.He has a toned level now,like a recording and it wasnt really like that before.So if I give up smoking, maybe Itll happen, something good can come of it, if not my voice, then maybe my health.
My boss rang this morning,and we have a meeting tomorrow morning cause hes not happy with my preformance, I was all up for a sacking earlier, but now Im starting to panic, cause my birthdays next week, and I want money to enjoy myself and money money money and I would be back in square one with the parents if I lost this job.Holy crip...I really hope I dont.
Its my birthday next week! Hurrah!