Yeah, no.

Dec 12, 2005 10:49

Before we begin: I want everyone to know this isn't a jab at anyone. It's just been something Ive been meaning to write out for a few years, now.

1) No paragraphs.
Okay, yeah--maybe life feels like one big run on sentence sometimes, but writing shouldn't. Here's the rule: New topic or idea? New paragraph. A conversation, or someone new talking? New paragraph.

2) Bad summaries.
If your fic's summary is "Mark and Roger do some stuff and it's adorable!" I am NOT going to read your fic. Also, if your summary says "I suck at writing reviews, just read!" I am not going to read your fic. If you can't even be trusted to write a summary, how can I trust you with the whole fiction?

3) Apologizing for sucking.
Okay, seriously. I know it's a plea for comments like "no you dont!" or something, but no. Because if you're apologizing for sucking at writing, I'm just gonna believe you.
"Sorry this sucks guys"
Yeah? Me too. *skips the fanfiction*

4) Using any sort of emoticon or smiley face in the story.
It's cute to do it in authors note's or whatever but as soon as I see this:
"Oh, ^_^" said Frost.
Thats the second my eyes bleed. Stoppit.

5) Anime references.
No, no. Not like that. Anime fic is fine. Anime is fine. But as soon as Tasuki sweatdrops in your fiction, it's over.
In the show, they are human, not anime characters. Write them as such.

6) Song fics.
Sort of. I've seen a few good ones. Here's how it goes: The song is not meant to be a crutch. If the writing looks choppy between the song, then you're doing it wrong.
How to write a good song fic: If you can take the song OUT of the fic, and it still makes sense, and is fluid, then it's good. I'm really fucking serious about this one.

7) Too much description:
I know, this is a strange one: but there is such a thing as too much. If you wanna hand out details like candy, at least do it in a timely manner. Please, please please do not write what someone looks like, is wearing, smells like, tastes like and when they took a pee last.
Okay, that was an exaggeration. But so is that kind of fanfiction.

8) Too little description:
See number seven? Yeah? Well it's the opposite of that. Yes, there IS a happy medium.

9) Spelling and grammar:
They make word programs compatible for all types of computers for this reason. Use it. Spell everything correctly. Proofread. Make sure you know how to use a comma, and a period. Hell, even divulge into the land of semi colons and dashes, if you want to look really smart.

10) Tenses:
This is a tricky one, and I know it. But that doesn't mean you can ignore it.
Just watch "ed" and "ing". and also 2nd and 3rd person. If you get a beta, it'll help.

yeah no, writing, fanfiction

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