WTF windows? I made it from a Penny Arcade comic.
This one is from when I used to role play Murphy with someone. Its too cute to delete.
Is my most recently uploaded one. TURTLE. I DREWED it.
Sad Gambit is super sad. :c
Nothing makes me happier than Snape on a Unicorn.
Rarely used, since it's pretty intense. But also, you know, <3 The Departed.
Ame and Zel drinkin' tea.
Favorite Ship:
LoL, twincest.
Favorite Fandom:
Haha. Frostovision.
Icon Used Most:
Apparently I like using Harry Potter to show my scorn.
Favorite Of The Moment:
I don't care if only 3 people get it, I love it.
Favorite Overall:
A little odd to be my favorite, but it works for all kinds of things from angst to sarcasm. :)
Plus Luke is a cutey.
How many icons do you have total? 81
How many can you have? 123
If you could buy space for more, would you? Probably not.
Do your icons make a statement about you? Sometimes. I forget to upload them a lot. So they feel very outdated to me. I'd like to overhaul a lot of them because they don't mean to me as much as they used to, and honestly remind me a lot of people I wouldn't even care to look at anymore.
What fandom do you have the most icons of? Rent. Go figure.
The second most? Harry Potter
What ship do you have the most icons of? None, actually.
How do you categorize your icons? By keyword.
Are your icons mostly made by other users? Half and half.
Do you make icons? Sometimes.
Are they any good? If I don't do anything stupid like adding text. XD
Animated icons are: Generally annoying.