Aug 06, 2007 10:56
I won 1st place in A class at the PSAA regional target shoot this weekend. Winning A class is like being the best average shooter, but it's my first PSAA medal, so there. :P
I shot 529/560 with 18 of a possible 28 perfect 20s. I had one arrow that landed low on three consecutive targets. I blamed myself the first two times, then put #2 arrow on the bench for the rest of the shoot and didn't have another low one the rest of the way. By then I'd lost 12 points. I have a tendency to blame myself when things like that happen, I think because it gnaws at me so much when others blame their equipment for every missed shot. If not for that one bad arrow, I could have been in the 540s, assuming of course I'd made the shots, so I'm pleased overall with how I did. In state tournaments, shooters are placed with their peers, so I shot with three total strangers. I am also quite pleased that I wasn't nervous at all, not for a moment. Considering just a year or two ago I'd have been petrified to the point of being dysfunctional, that is a huge step for me!
There are some guys who will purposely drop points so they don't move up into AA class; they try to stay at the top of A to win medals rather than be at the bottom of AA. Any time John or Greg win an A medal, they give each other a hard time, so I got to be the first place sandbagger for the entire two hour trip home yesterday.
It rained a little while we were getting bows ready before the shoot, but it quit just as we started the course. Began raining again just as we were adding up scores and didn't stop until sometime early this morning. Looks like a tropical rain forest outside this morning. Hot and humid with a hanging fog that makes it tough to breathe.
Oh, and there's no feeling quite like the one you get when you're changing scope lenses and an $80. glass lens pops out, goes 'clink' on the asphalt parking lot, and proceeds to roll about ten feet before wobbling to a stop like a coin. Note to self: Don't do that again!