Apr 03, 2007 22:34
I shot my first perfect 150 game in league tonight!
Managed to stay pretty cool down to the last arrow. It didn't feel right at full draw, so I let down and tried to regroup. By that time, all the other shooters had finished, leaving me alone on the line, everyone watching. That's when the nerves hit! You feel it in your chest, the heart rate jumps, and you feel weak. Not a good combination when you need to relax and hold 57 lbs steady. I tried to focus on my shot sequence to take my mind off all the distractions. Must have worked; the last arrow found its way in somehow.
In any case, I'm rather pleased with myself. I also find it interesting how nervous I became. I don't win anything for it. No new cars, nor a trip to Disneyland. I've shot quite a few 150s in practice. I've shot millions of arrows probably. Nothing is different, yet our minds place some artificial importance on it and the adrenaline starts flowing. Interesting.