Dec 07, 2005 16:34
I've been coerced into "running" for president of the archery club. I've been a director, so it isn't that big a deal to me, though I admit I wouldn't have signed up if the other officers hadn't insisted so. After Henry (former treasurer) left last spring, Tom (current president) took over treasurer duties. In 2006, Tom wants to continue on as treasurer, which leaves president open. Since nobody signed up when the notice was posted, the current officers conspired and chose me for the role. The "election" is at tonight's club meeting. Considering only one person signed up for each office, I don't think it'll be much of a race.
Really, I have no problem doing this except that I'm not confident I can always be there when necessary. I can be called out of town for some work related clusterfuck on literally a minute's notice. Those trips sometimes become drawn into weeks. I hate making a commitment like this when I'm not sure I can live up to it.