May 16, 2005 13:14
5/13/05 - Following the suggestion of a fellow on the archery board, I switched my release around to use the clicker. This causes the release to click just before it is ready to fire. The only problem is, a click just at the moment of release makes me think it is the release! Muscles immediately want to relax. Good thing I was there alone. I would have been a hilarious sight! Not until after about 60 arrows could I keep full draw after the click without melting down into a twitching glob of jelly. After I regained some semblance of voluntary control, I noticed the clicker would sometimes snap before I was ready, and I knew to let down. So, I think once I get past the psychological aspect of this thing, it can be a good training tool for becoming more consistent with the release grip and position.
Total arrows shot to date: 975 (55575 lbs.)
5/15/05 - I've changed my mind about where I'm at in this process. I thought before I was moving right along, but I can see now I should do this probably another month. Trouble is, Nite Owl starts next Tuesday. I'll get one or two more blind bale sessions in before then, if I'm lucky. H and I both have to get sight marks for the varying yardages. The clicker freaked me out for the first few shots. I thought I had that problem licked. I was wrong. I discovered what is causing my inconsistent release issues. I seem to be wanting to anchor too far back on my jaw at times. Once I discovered this, I was able to anchor a little more forward and the release worked the way it was supposed to. I can get the right spot when I am thinking about it, but it needs to happen consistently without having to think about it. I'm stressed a little bit, because I know I don't have enough time to make it a habit before Nite Owl begins. I think I'll keep blind baling on practices between Nite Owl shoots. I'm also thinking I need to shoot at a spot with my eyes open before I forget how and have to learn that over again, too. H shot with me last night. She had to go to the store on the way home, so I was only able to fit in 75 arrows. That probably was a good thing; I was pretty sore when I was done.
Total arrows shot to date: 1050 (59850 lbs.)