May 19, 2006 14:25
It is a three-foot by six-foot rectangle of pure white fabric. Simple, but striking.
There's two sides to it, the right and the left. On the left, as a background, is the affirmation from Life Support (There's only us, There's only this: Forget regret or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way. No day but today.) embroidered in a funky gold thread. It's funky because it's from Coruscant. Really space-shiny, and kinda heavenly-like. On top of that is an appliqued red ribbon. And below the ribbon's Angel's name in that same goldthread.
The right side has as a background the 'to music' litany toast. (To music, food of love, emotion, mathematics, isolation, rhythm, power, feeling, harmony and heavy competition!) On top of that is Angel. Ish. It's a figure in the same twirl-skirt pose as the Today For You intro for Mark's films. The skirt on the figure is a patchwork of fabrics. A old maroon-and-teal sweater, a frilly black lace, a bit of cow-print, an old t-shirt, and what looks like it might be the sleeve of a coat. The figure is outlined in the gold-thread again, giving it an almost heavenly quality.