OOM: Val's notes on the Antarian Constitution. Bold in Antarian, Italics in Italian and Aurebesh

Aug 08, 2005 19:52

We the people...
(No, it can't be people. Personages? Sentient beings? Antarians? Strange coloured things... Blue. Purple. No green. So very little green.)
In order to form a more perfect planet...
(Utopia. Not possible. Everything can't be alright. Nothing is ever alright. Ender. Starlight. Never alright. Kriffing word...)
Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility...
(Who am I kidding? Justice? Tranquility? Frelling impossible for sentient beings.)
Provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty
(But what happens when liberty dies? When things fall apart as they always do? Will the common defence be good enough? Will atrocities be prevented? It must be so. Things must be provided for.)
Do establish this constitution for the planet of Antar
(Will it be enough to establish? Will it be there in centuries to come, will it stand the test of time? It must be strong, like the Antarias, it mustn't have loopholes to take advantage of.)

Article I: All legislative power....
(And now to the fun part.....)
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