burnt umber, right foot! (oh god bless you)

Aug 02, 2008 17:40

So it was indigos-angel's birthday yesterday.

She came over around nine, I gave her presents and almost made her cry (she would have except for her mascara, VICTORY ♥).

First we went downtown to Davie St., which was blocked off and full of people because it's Pride Week. I've never seen so many rainbows in my life holy crap. We got to watch gay Twister and the queen who was doing the announcing was very enamoured of one of the (very flexible) players and it was hilarious. She'd named all the colours awesome things (wasabi green, hot pink, burnt umber, etc.) and kept moaning over this guy's ass every time he moved. XD

We stopped in at a Chinese restaurant and Elle had bad pan-fried noodles and yummy flower tea (with the actual dissolving flower-thing, it was really cool to watch). The waiter was adorable, when he heard it was her birthday he gave her extra candy with the bill.

Memorable quote for the evening:

Me: Okay, hello, it's your birthday. Did you really think I'd let you pay for dinner?
Elle: *mock swoon* You're the best boyfriend I've ever had!
Waiter: *choke*

Then, on the way back to the car, we discovered a Japanese corner store of sorts and spent fifteen minutes filling our arms with every flavour of pocky imaginable (I also bought the Spirited Away DVD in Japanese squeeee). It also had a Japanese video rental with dramas and movies that I totally want to see, so I think I'll be going back there after every Japanese class from now on. *FLAIL*

Then we went down to Richmond to the casino and hung out there for a while. We listened to the in-house band, watched THE WORST DANCER IN THE WORLD (seriously, he had this I'm so hot, oh baby you know you want me expression on his face while he flailed and gyrated and oozed on girls who really didn't seem to mind lolwtf, I loved him) for about half an hour while Elle played with my hair and made the sexy Asian guards think we were lesbians, then wandered around the slots for a little while and got sleazily hit on by a very creepy guy with a table full of creepy guys waiting for him to bring back girlflesh (totally shut him down XD), ate some pretty shitty sushi, then headed home with Natasha Bedingfield on the stereo.

It was great. And I only wanted to die of cramps part of the time. :D


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