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Jun 28, 2008 22:32

Fandom post! Manga reactions, because I'm waiting for something to upload and am sick of writing fic.

Naruto: Still kind of ahroajfkljalkghaaasjie over Itachi, so Naruto grieving Jiraiya isn't hitting me as hard as I logically know it should. Tsunade's grief affected me much more. Depressed!Naruto was new and interesting, however. I'm sad it didn't last longer and give me more material to work with ficwise.

D.Gray-man: I can't decide whether this arc is cracky, ridiculous, touching, angsty, or all three. Komui's memorizing the names of all the dead experiment victims was a suckerpunch to the chest amidst all the chibi, bunnies, vampires, chest-dwelling ghosts, and Komrin X. I was loling right along until we got to that point and then I hit that panel and almost cried. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, ARC

Bleach: Awesome strategy, Yama-jii. Trap the most powerful kidou users in the world in a kidou restraining spell. Very effective. I'm sure that'll hold them while you get your ass handed to you by his subordinates (or not, because this is Bleach, but I can dream).

Reborn!: Unadulterated awesome, though a bit wtf. Like Genkishi's four arms, that kind of wigged me out a bit. That guy is creepy. Yamamoto's usual lack of subtlety was ♥, as was everything involving Squalo in the whole chapter. I love that guy, seriously. And Lussuria in the background being all 'wtf, who are you talking to you freak' was a perfect touch.

One question, though, for the other KHR readers on my flist: what did I miss about the Genkishi/Squalo fight? They keep talking about how Genkishi throwing the fight with Squalo led to the Giglio Nero's merger with the Gesso, but they never really explained why Squalo, a Vongola swordsman, was the Gesso's representative in that battle. Why was he even involved? Last I checked, the Vongola and Gesso definitely weren't allies, so why would Squalo be fighting on their behalf?

If I'm missing something really obvious here, feel free to point out what an idiot I am. ^___^;;

Sleep now. ♥

fandom: naruto, fandom: d.gray-man, fandom: khr!, fandom: bleach

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