north by northwest

Jun 03, 2008 16:37

Gooodd so sick.

I'm pretty sure 90% of it is just exhaustion. I spent four days straight moving furniture, cleaning, and redecorating a largeish house mostly by myself. Then, last night, when I most needed my rest, it rained outside so my nocturnal cat spent the entire night jumping in and out of my window, walking all over me with her wet paws, and meowing incessantly. If I locked her in or out, she just scratched at the window with her claws, which was much worse. I'm sure her anxiety wasn't helped by the fact that so soon after moving her from Osoyoos here, I had to go and rearrange all the furniture she'd just gotten used to all over again. Not her fault, but it means I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, right when I really needed lots of it.

So now I'm sick. I'm at work, because it's not messy-sick and I'm pretty sure it's not contagious-sick, but I want nothing more right now than to lie down at home with some tea and rice and not move. Ugh.

To cheer myself up, I finally bought myself a couple of gadgets I've been saving up for.


A 250GB external storage drive, so I can get some of this mountain of music and anime and manga off my laptop and travel a bit lighter.


A new mp3 player, 8GB, to replace my dying old Sony minidisc. I considered getting a bigger one, but then I had a good talk with myself and realized that I don't have that much music that I actually want to be listening to at any given time. I've been perfectly happy with six interchangeable 1GB discs until now, and don't really want or need more than that. More would just be overkill.

So yes. Gadgets. Can't wait til they get here.

Right this minute, I can't decide whether I'm starving or want to puke, and don't feel very cheered up at all. :|

I hate being sick. Especially at work.

gadgets, health

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