In which I want to beat someone up for the first time in a really long time.

Nov 26, 2007 22:11

So it would appear that my other step-sister, Samantha, is now also pregnant.

This has sonatina-ing and I both very worried, because she's a bit of a basket case and at the moment doesn't even seem to be taking very good care of herself.

She's only a month behind Crystal, and mom says from what she understands she did it on purpose because she was jealous of all the attention Crissy was getting because of her own pregnancy.

I'd be angry, but it's done and I know there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm not going to bother poisoning myself with that negativity since it won't even help anything.

Brent and I were joking the other day that people should have to go through psychological testing before they're allowed to conceive. I'm not laughing anymore.

AUGH. I'm so torn between wanting to smack her until she can't see straight and giving her a hug. I can only hope that her maternal instincts (which are very strong, I'll admit) will override her basket-caseness and make her into a good mother.

One thing I do know is that if Social Services ends up having to step in and take over, she'll lose it. I remember very clearly one time years ago when Katrina was very small and Samantha was nine or ten, Sam lugged her around everywhere like Katie was attached to her hip. One day, though, she was being a bit rough and Katie was crying, so I took her away.

Samantha freaked out, so I picked her up (I was still taller and a lot stronger than her at that time) and put her in her room, then held the door against her in the hopes that she would calm down.

She went fucking postal. I've never seen anybody lose it like that. At first I'd held the door to hold her in, but about fifteen seconds later I was holding it to keep her away from me so I wouldn't lose an eye. She damn near punched a hole through the door with her fist. She was so out of her head that all she could seem to say was "GIVE HER BACK GIVE HER BACK GIVE HER BACK" at literally the top of her lungs for nearly twenty minutes before she exhausted herself and couldn't scream anymore.

And that was just me, her older sister, taking her little sister away until I could lecture her on how to carry her safely. I can't imagine what it would be like if strangers came to take away her actual child. I seriously think she would go insane, quite literally.

So... her maternal instincts are definitely alive and kicking, but she doesn't have nearly the maturity required to make logical decisions regarding a child. As Mom pointed out, a few weeks of sporadic sleep and constant neediness from the baby would make her reactions extremely unpredictable.

She's eighteen, but her mental age is nowhere near that. Crystal at least is fairly mature and will most likely do what she has to in order to make sure she and her child have what they need. I can't say the same for Sam, I really can't.



Completely unrelated, Jess just randomly had a fifty-foot ethernet cable just... lying around, so now I'm hardwired into the router upstairs and all is well with the internet. Joy.

real life, family

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