Yesterday was so much fun :) both Andrew and I had no idea what we were going to do, and since I needed a new fish we decided to explore all the fish/pet stores we could find. One of them was called "animal exchange" which I honestly thought was this weird store where you exchange your ferret for a kitten or something. Instead it just turned out to be a bird store. Then we found a small thrift store next to an abandoned aquarium place that was run by mental people...the schizophrenic type. It was so weird. Then we headed toward this HUGE warehouse thrift store and I got Roxanne this giant snake stuffed animal, an adorable cherry sundress, a tiedye shirt, rainbow scarf, and blue shirt, and three records (makes the dorm look more VINTAGE)-all for thirteen dollars. And the clothes looked brand new too :D I just finished ben's dream theatre painting, and it'll look AMAZING in his new apartment :)
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