I Think Too Much

Sep 28, 2008 18:06

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I was sitting in my room doing AP Biology notes and i sat back pondering how it is possible that everythings so perfectly structured all the way down to the microscopic organelles of an organism.  How could our bodies have developed peristalsis? (what makes us able to swallow in space and upside down)  How is it that one microorganism developed into such a complex species as humans or even animals themselves? And then the nervous system works so perfectly and the sodium potassium pump maintaining homeostasis and the whole process of transciption and translation and just like..EVERYTHING.  How did we become so perfect?

And then i started going on a tangent where i started thinking about what it's like NOT to be me. I know how i view myself, and how i view others through my eyes. But what am i like through theirs? For example, I know my dad through what he shows me and then he's like a whole other person having thoughts himself but its weird because i only know what I think...or do i even know what i think? Mr.Ornstein said that thoughts are the only things that are our own but are they really our own or just collections of opinions that have been taught or just told to us that we combine to form our own ideas.  Which ideas are ACTUALLY original?

I am so confused. Crazy thoughts boggle the mind that's for sure =]
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