i'm so tired :(

Aug 12, 2008 13:19

of like..everything.
but it's been a nice escape these past couple days.
My aunt came over sunday and we went on a walk and we were planning to do these cement stepping stones that you put your dog's paw prints in and decorate but it rained so we decided to save that for another time. So instead when we were walking our three collies (haha it was awesome..Roxanne of course was the little runt of the herd) i asked her if i could just come home with her for a couple days and she said yeah :]

It's been so chill it's awesome :)
Yesterday we went shopping and i got all this art stuff and these vege-bones for roxanne. haha. And i learned how to make homemade pizza with home-grown vegetables (except the mushrooms and onions weren't homegrown..and the wheat i suppose) but it tasted SO GOOD.

Then later i fell asleep really early but i woke up at midnight so i just starting watching the whole series of planet of the apes while painting. Except the third tape is like wrecked or something. i'm so blown..especially because at the very end of the second one the guy destroys the world with a missile so um...i kinda want to know how there are 3 more movies after that.

And today i'm going to help her stencil her kitchen :]

It's been so chill and relaxed it's just what i need. And i'm not thinking about all these silly boys in my life...which partially accounts for the chill and relaxed feeling i'm sure.

Yesterday while eating lunch together: "yes maggie ever since i knew you when you were young, you've always had the hopeless romantic in you."

Great :/ 
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