May 05, 2005 21:28
woohoo so tomorrow's friday. that's what ive had to tell myself all day to get through the day.
nothign really special/interesting happened this week... not to me anyway
well, i guess a few things
1. got tickets to prom (well, danny did)
2. started working out...except i didnt today. bad me
3. i went to the library today and checked out a ton of awesome cds, some because of my 60's music decade project, and some because i wanted to burn them lol...
4. i went to spencers today to see chris :)
for everyone who doesnt know, i think julie's the only one who does lol...he's this really cute guy i met on myspace. he lives in morton grove, but works at spencers so i saw him a few weeks ago when i was in there buying a present for a friend for her birthday, and i didnt see him but he recognized me and we talked online that night and he was like "hey, were u in spencers at old orchard today? i saw u...i work there" so i went back thursday w/ my mom because i wanted to buy this purse, and i wanted to see him since i hadnt seen him before. and realized he's gorgeous. so today i went back cuz i wanted to see him again and actually tlak to him and i told him id come hang out w/ him there for a little bit cuz it was just him and this other cool guy who works in i did. it was fun. he's really cute. anyway when i got home after going to the library he sent me a text message telling me he thought i looked really good today and i was just like "so did u! we should hang out sometime soon", and he said definately, so im gonna call him this weekend and hopefully see him :)
yeah, oh and DANNY'S PARENTS BOUGHT HIM HIS OWN CAR. he got a jeep wrangler. damn, im jealous. but im still very happy that i have the volvo. im gonna be very sad when i go off to college and have to leave it here.
anyway, thast all for now