It's Getting Colder And You're Getting Distant

Nov 24, 2003 10:02

Well where do I start off. Me and Sal went to boston on thursday right after school. WE got onto the train from hicksville and got to penn around 4 ish. In Penn station we were in a Pizza Hut when we hear a smacking sound...we turn around and see a homeless man smacking his bagel and talking back to it "no...not the butter!!" haha soon after me and sal pointed out that half run at penn station, you know what were talking about that run where their arms stay plastered to their sides and they stop every 2 seconds. Well we get on this bus and head up to boston. IT was so crowded on the bus, a whole 3 people on a 50 seat coach bus hah. Ok well the bus ride was pretty good me and sal had some quality talks. We get to boston and chill with adam and meet some girls that dorm with nicole. It was a grand ol time. Friday we went out on the town..bought some clothes at AE and urban outfitter..((money in wallet $125)) was the moneen, TBS, and saves the day show. That show was one of the bes shows i have seen TBS. Adam was on key for once and he sounds better then ever. Saves the day was great as usual. we did some PE promoting at that show and we got some good feedback already. I bought 2 shirts at the show both pretty cool and ofcoarse smalls ((money in wallet now90$)) The next day was the coheed thrice and thursday show. This show was also very good. Both played at the avalon which is an amazing venue. At this show we founf a kid 5 feet away smoke a joint, then he pulled out a bowl, we were expecting an 8 ft bong to come out next. He asked sal if he wanted some and sal replies "nah man, i dont smoke with strangers" ok scruff mgcruff haha..blew some more money away that show and bought some dinner after..((money now in wallet a wopping 10 bucks))Now on sunday we slept in till about 12 ish and then went downtown and handed out some PE demos. We stuck to going up to hot girls and what not. We went up to some guys though. We are already getting feedback on these demos and they all seem to be really good. 5:30 rolls around and we said our goodbyes to adam and got on the bus..may i add sal stepped in about a foot of water..idiot lol..Ok so the bus was very cold for somereason and i realized the emergency exit was open on the top of the bus. So im trying to push it down and sll of a sudden a a loud crash comes and it slams shut i run to my seat like a little pansey and hide haha it was great. Me and sal tried to get some sleep and then we hit major traffic for about an hour and a half. We finally got to manhattan at like 11 oclock and ran to penn and caught the 11 14 train. It just so happened that Tbs played at roselan that night so there were alot of kids on the bus. I pull out sals acoustic and started playing and all of a sudden im like goomba johnny getting requests out the ying yang to play songs. When i was playing soco amaretto by Brand New these white trash druggy goes can you please stop playing its rude to others on the train. Once she said this two older guys behind me start saying shit back to her it was hilarious..they were saying if it was rap you'd love it, white trash, maybe if he had a saxophone or sumthing and they kept telling me to keep playing it was great..SO yea all and all it was a wonderful trip..Im missing the big A alreaday but its good to be home..

p.s...never eat chinese food in boston

Love Always,
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