Apr 17, 2006 03:42
It's Monday and I already want the week to be over. I know it's been a long time since I've written in here. But what else is new? I'm just updating to say that if you see me writing in here within the next week, it's because I'm trying desperately to procrastinate. (which hopefully I WON'T do). Tomorrow I have my last Metaphysics class, and we have our last paper due. Then NO MORE PAPERS FOR ME. Then Tuesday I have my last Early American Lit, and Into to Middle East classes. After that, just finals on Thursday and Friday. Thennnn...
On Friday night my parents are coming down to help me clean up/ pack up the majority of my apartment. I've already packed and unpacked four bins, and this week I'll be working on most of the rest of it. I'm staying here over the weekend because I have my STUPID MIDDLE EAST FINAL on TUESDAY. It pisses me off that I have to stay that long. Sooo yeah, since my parents work during the week, after they come on Friday I'll just have basic hygiene crap, paper silverware, and a few outfits to last until after my final. I'll completely move back to Fenton on Wednesday. Then probably for the first time since 2002, I will have the spring OFF. I don't know if it'll end up being the right decision, but really there were no classes I could take anyway. So for about two months hopefully I'll be working, but I've been slacking on that. Then I'm taking a Brit Lit class at the end of June, a couple nights a week. When that's over, I'll have a week or two before I have to move back for fall again. And I'll be here all of next school year. It sucks, but I've already gotten used to that fact. I'm just trying to focus on finishing.
So anyway, for the next week, I'll be uber busy with finals and moving out. Whenever I go home on the weekends to Fenton I never get online, but once I move back and can use this computer there, I'm sure that will change. So I'm sure since I'm supposed to be focused I'll write in here a million times this week. hahah. But if I am gone again for a while, what I've just written in this entry is the explanation. Hopefully I'll come out of it alive. :)