Alright kids, I'm BACK. It's _starxcrossed_ for those of you who haven't gotten a comment from me recently, or paid attention to your user info page. It's a new year, and I was going to change my color scheme anyway-- CHRIS I STILL NEED A NEW ICON!-- so I thought I might as well rename the journal. LJ let me because of the underscores... which were always annoying, anyway.
I come to livejournal every day. Multiple times a day. I'm still a comment whore, as some of you already know. hah. I just haven't felt like writing in my own. After my birthday, December got CRAZY. My birthday festivities. My grandma's birthday. A neighborhood Christmas party. Christmas Eve. Christmas Day. Ohio. Quality time with my cousin. New Year's Eve. THENNNN OU was mean and started on the FOURTH this year. Classes still really haven't gotten demanding yet. I just haven't written in here out of habit.
So toward the end of last semester I was considering moving back home. Well, actually I was almost FORCED. My parents (who spoil me, oops) are struggling financially and the apartment along WITH tuition was too much. BUT we did some adjusting, I'm getting a job in a few months... and I'm getting scholarships for next year. (Yeah I still probably have a year of school left. If I'd have finished in 4 years, I would be done this May. NOT gonna happen. :/) I also had a HORRIBLE semester academically. But I promised myself and my parents that I'd make up for it this semester, and so far I have been.
I've got some pretty decent classes this semester...
*Metaphysics: I LOVE Professor Graves. I've heard his name thrown around, and I was kinda scared to have him. Psh. He's one of the coolest teachers ever. We only have to write one paper that he's giving us three weeks to work on, and we have a midterm and a final. He's so laidback that it'll be fine. There are a couple familiar faces, but the class is small so we all talk as a class. I'm sorta sad because this is the last class I have to take for a philosophy minor. But I've loved every philosophy class (minus logic) that I've taken so much that I'm SERIOUSLY considering changing my major (OOPS!) or at LEAST taking ALL the rest of my electives in philosophy. We'll see.
*Early American Lit: I was not looking forward to having Jane Eberwein. I HATED her husband. But they are soooo different, thank God. I mean, I can tell they're happily married and it's cute. But as opposed to her husband, Jane actually teaches us at a COLLEGE level. reading is pretty brutal so far-- "Of Plymouth Plantation" was DEATH!!!... but it's still a decent class. There are a few familiar faces, and I finally met this girl, Rachel. I knew of her through some other people and through facebook, but it was nice to finally meet her. As for the class workload, IT'S not that bad either. We do have lots of reading. But the only assignments we have are two papers, a midterm, and an exam. We can choose two out of seven papers, based on a deadline that is convenient for US. How cool is that?
*Intro to the Middle East: This is the class I'm taking to make up for the China class. Stupid international studies requirement. I wish I would have taken this class to begin with because it's kind of a JOKE. And since I'm only taking it for the credit, I could care less. Professor Hoffiz is pretty interesting-- weird sense of humor, a bit unconvential, and unfortunately a TOTAL pushover. We only have to write one short paper, and he doesn't even penalize people if they turn it in late. He gave us ALL the midterm/ final exam questions, is offering extra credit, and lets us watch a movie for the last hour(ish) of class. At first it was SOOO boring, but now I'm starting to get to know people. It's nice to have an EASY credit for once.
This is pretty much just an "I'm still alive" entry. I had to quit procrastinating. I've got TONS of pictures ranging from Thanksgiving to just after New Years. I'll make a picture post by the end of the week. There's also lots of other things worth mentioning-- the OBNOXIOUS Pro-Life display BLOCKING the OC today, for example (and I AM pro-life)... but that'll have to wait until next time.