my butt.

Aug 13, 2004 16:43

so i got back from sd like a few hours ago or something.
i would have had more fun but it was too hot to go outside.
i went to the zooo. =].
too bad the day was ruined by the sun.

my arms got tan.

i almost died.
i wanted to shoot myself in the face.
im never going back there in the summer.
oh & ladies & gentlemen...i finally saw 'the ring'.
everyones like ohh my goddd you havent seen the ring!?
well now i have & it was a waste of my life.
i could have lived without seeing it.
i dont know why i did.
i liked scary movie 3's version of it better.
so i should go now because my butt has places to be.
oh & laura..i DID change it:
| m | y |   | b | u | t | t |  the anti drug. [& it will rule the world some day soon..dont forget that.]
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