
May 26, 2004 01:43

so yea i went to the pool hall tonight to have a good time and celebrate my moving out.....and when i go out to my car to drop my buddy ricky off the doors wide open and all my shit is gone....... and then this big ass group of FUKING asians is standing all of 20 ft away and we ask them if theyve seen anything and they say no.....which is total bullshit because theres no way they couldnt of.... my cds were gone my glove compartment was empty they tried to take my deck but the fukers were so damn stoopid they didnt realized its gotta be pulled out from the oposite direction ....and to top it all off the gas tank was syphaned ...so theres no way all of that could of happened without anyone not seeing anything........ So Fuck ANYBODY thats got frieds who do that shit.....i work my fucking ass off to get wat i have and they take 15 min to take it all away...........
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