Second meme from
shoebox_addict! This one was much harder to do.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.
Just a warning, some of these might be considered sort of TMI.
#2: random facts about Allison. )
Yeah, Scott Thompson seems especially awesome when interacting with his fans. He even responded to one of my comments to his blog in French. *swoons*
Okay, KITH links. I know you said you really liked Dave Foley (who doesn't, LOL) and sketches where characters are arguing, so here's a classic KITH sketch with both!
It was Citizen Kane!
More good ones, including ones I can't believe I left out last time because they're SO classic:
I'm Jerry Sizzler, and this is my sister...Jerry Sizzler!
I'm crushing your head! You're a flathead! Crush crush crush! (This is probably the most famous of all KITH's characters.)
The Head Crusher vs. the Face Pincher.
You know me. I'm the guy. The guy with a good attitude towards menstruation.
'I don't want to sleep with you.' 'It's because I have a cabbage for a head, isn't it?!'
Never put salt in your eyes.
Got 7 things to do today. Gotta keep on top of my life, gotta keep on top of my life, got 7 things to do.
And some of my favorite sketches are ones where they just play themselves:
Scott's not gay anymore?!
Bruce's cry for help.
Scott clones himself.
In French?! Swoon, indeed!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all those links!! Wow, there's a ton of them!! Now I'll be hoping for one of my classes to cancel so I can hop over to the library and watch these! Lolz. Really, thanks, you didn't have to go to all this trouble! :D
Yeah, he spoke French on the show a lot too! I love it.
Sweetie, please! It was NO trouble at all. Especially since it led me to finding a bunch of KITH sketches on YouTube that I hadn't watched in a loooong time and I love. :D
Lol - well, I really appreciate it!
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