Second meme from
shoebox_addict! This one was much harder to do.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.
Just a warning, some of these might be considered sort of TMI.
#2: random facts about Allison. )
Is it bad that you said "anally organized" and my mind went straight to the gutter? XD
Yes, I have talked to Scott Thompson! And he talked back!! *squees* Oh, by the way, the other night I was on YouTube watching Kids In The Hall clips and I found some more sketches you might like. Let me know if you want the links. ;)
Yeah -- like I said, losing my poetry was really devastating. I tried to copy them down again from memory, but that was really hard since a lot of them were rather long.
Nod, it sucks that I never got to know my grandfather. Especially since the person that my grandmother married after him (my step-grandfather) isn't even remotely as cool.
Awww, thanks sweetie! I didn't know that my interest in Victorian England was what would elicit that response! XD
I've never been able to adequately explain to anyone how awful that time in my life was and I've never been able to quite fully get over it. It was more than just being really sick; I was going through a lot of depression and terrible friends drama at the time as well. And then there was the weird and difficult succession of events that I went back to school again from being out for three weeks on September 10, 2001; the next day was 9/11; and the day after that was my 18th birthday. But I did grow from the experience a lot, that's true. *hugs back*
Haha, I know I should. I feel bad that I've owned the harp for years but have never been able to learn to play it. I almost don't like admitting to people that I own one because they'll ask me if I can play it and I can't. XD
LMAO!! No, that's not a bad thing at all. XP
That is really, really awesome that he talked back. I love it when celebs are nice to their fans. Oooh, gimme linkies!! *Stephen grabby hand*
Ugh. Major suckage. *hugs*
Aww. :( Step-grandfather...that's fun though. Haha.
You're welcome! Oh, totally. The Victorians rock. XP
Oh, man. Oh, wow, Allison. *huge hugs* At least it's over now, right? And it's good that you were able to grow from it. I just don't know what to sounds awful. *more hugs*
LOL! Well, take it up one summer! :)
Yeah, Scott Thompson seems especially awesome when interacting with his fans. He even responded to one of my comments to his blog in French. *swoons*
Okay, KITH links. I know you said you really liked Dave Foley (who doesn't, LOL) and sketches where characters are arguing, so here's a classic KITH sketch with both!
It was Citizen Kane!
More good ones, including ones I can't believe I left out last time because they're SO classic:
I'm Jerry Sizzler, and this is my sister...Jerry Sizzler!
I'm crushing your head! You're a flathead! Crush crush crush! (This is probably the most famous of all KITH's characters.)
The Head Crusher vs. the Face Pincher.
You know me. I'm the guy. The guy with a good attitude towards menstruation.
'I don't want to sleep with you.' 'It's because I have a cabbage for a head, isn't it?!'
Never put salt in your eyes.
Got 7 things to do today. Gotta keep on top of my life, gotta keep on top of my life, got 7 things to do.
And some of my favorite sketches are ones where they just play themselves:
Scott's not gay anymore?!
Bruce's cry for help.
Scott clones himself.
In French?! Swoon, indeed!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all those links!! Wow, there's a ton of them!! Now I'll be hoping for one of my classes to cancel so I can hop over to the library and watch these! Lolz. Really, thanks, you didn't have to go to all this trouble! :D
Yeah, he spoke French on the show a lot too! I love it.
Sweetie, please! It was NO trouble at all. Especially since it led me to finding a bunch of KITH sketches on YouTube that I hadn't watched in a loooong time and I love. :D
Lol - well, I really appreciate it!
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