Second meme from
shoebox_addict! This one was much harder to do.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.
Just a warning, some of these might be considered sort of TMI.
#2: random facts about Allison. )
Haha, thanks. It was actually very awkward in the end because I was spending Thanksgiving with my then-boyfriend and his family at their house, and he and I did it in his bedroom late that night. And I think his parents knew that we'd done it, because his dad treated me VERY coldly the next morning. D: Yeah, they pretty much hated me. Despite the fact that, with me being the girl in the situation, it was my dad who should have wanted to kick my then-boyfriend's ass.
I first noticed I was attracted to girls when I was about twelve years old, and I went through a lot of agony because I thought I'd inexplicably turned into a lesbian. I didn't know that there was something in between gay and straight, LOL. Then I found out what bisexuality was and realized that it fit me, and I came out to myself when I was about 15. I also came out to my best friend at the time -- for a very long time she was the only person who knew. I didn't come to the rest of my friends until I was 22.
Here's my "coming out" entry, if you're interested in reading it -- I go into a lot more detail about it there.
WOW, lol, I bet it was pretty awkward! Aww, I'm sorry he was so mean! :( That sucks.
Aww! Wow, that's really cool. Oooh, awesome, thanks for the link! :D
Yeah, I didn't like his family much even before that. Looking back it was wrong of us to have sex in their house, but they had to realize that their son was guilty too. It's not like I raped him, LOL -- especially since it was my then-boyfriend's idea for me to sneak into his bedroom that night in the first place. XD I tried really hard to be nice to his family but they were never that friendly. Oh well, it doesn't matter now.
LOL, you're welcome -- and thanks if you actually read that. I can't believe it's been so long since I finally came out. I spent so much time in the closet because I was afraid of losing my friends, but I should have realized that wouldn't be the case.
HAHAHA, so true. Oh, nice, lol, his parents kinda sound like assholes. *shakes head*
NP! Awwwwwwwww! <333
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