I was just sitting at my desk and reading when my mom calls me to inform me that my dad had bought me something from Cosco. When asked what it was, mom said it was the twilight gift set. My mind went from possibility to possibility as I tried to grasp what it could possibly be. My first thought was that it was all of the books. I didn't want two sets. Mom didn't tell me what it was and said that I would love it. When dad got home, he presented me with the box and I looked at the contents that you will see before you.
I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so happy that I almost jumped up and down. You can see that it has the movie and the soundtrack (thanks to my best friends...I had already gotten the soundtrack and bought the movie for myself at Borders.) That is going to be taken care of because my mother watched Twilight and she loved it. Part of me acutally thinks that she got dad to get this so that she could have how own copies. (I swear.. I am looking for mom to start wearing an Edward shirt or something.) the rest of the contests included a nice bookmark that I will probably never use for fear that I might mess it up, photo cards that are completely different from the ones that I got from borders, a certificate of authenticity, a watch, and a charm bracelet. I love it. I put everything that I own of twilight into the gorgeous box that everything came in. It is awesome! I am sooo happy right now I could scream.