just stop...

Sep 13, 2003 22:04

why do things always have to constantly keep up like this? can't we have a fucking break? ever?

russ' friend brad was supposed to be the best man. now all of a sudden, they were having to move out of their apartment. his mom didn't pay rent, the spent money on something else. who knows what. i told brad we would pay for half of the tux. but he still can't come up with $60. now he's known now, for over 2 months that he was going to be the best man.

so he comes over yesterday, wanting to know if he could stay with us for a few days. i asked if he was going to spot some money for groceries. he said no. i asked him why he thought he could stay here for free. he works full time, makes money, and wants to live for free. that's fucked up. i mean, russ and i work fulltime. but we don't get to stay here for free. he expected us to actually say yes. and let him stay.

so today he came over and was like "so you guys gonna let me stay here for a couple weeks?" i looked at him and just went off.

"are you going to fucking pay any money? why do you expect to stay here and not pay a dime? i'm not going to have someone sleeping out on my couch for two fucking weeks, i'm not going to share one bathroom with 3 people. i'm not going to feed another person and pay all the extra in electricity and whatnot to have someone stay here for free."

i guess it really pissed him off, but damn. we live in a 2bed 1 bath apartment, upstairs, with two dogs. russell and i are not fucking rich. we have some money, but we work our asses off. and we pay our bills. and it has taken us awhile to catch up on them. that is just fucking WRONG to burst in and want to stay somewhere for free, and claim you're not going to eat anything. ARGH!

so i came in here and got on the computer, being that we've been out with kim and her family all day long, i'm tired worn out and need to get my ass to bed but i wanted to check e-mail. so he comes in here and shakes my hand and says "have a nice wedding, congratulations, but i'm not going to have the day off or get the money to be in it."


that's just fucked up. i'm sick of this shit. russ was pissed. "he only said that becasue we wouldn't let him stay here.

when russ and i split up last december he stayed with them for a week. they expected him to pay for rent and shit. he actually paid out $150 for groceries because they're hugely fat and eat constantly.

this is just fucked up. the fucking frosting on the cake. what else is going to go wrong? probably everything.

it's bad enough that russ has been suspended from work for a week. they change his schedule on him and so he has been late a few times. yesterday he was late cuz he mixed up the times that he was supposed to come in. so he was supposed to work today and then off the rest of the week when they would "let him know" if he could come back. yesterday he worked sick as hell. he threw up he said. he's got what sounds like a sinus infection. so he called out. no doubt they'll tell him not to come back.

i told him we'll start putting in applications tomorrow. this is just getting to be too much. seriously. it's not like he doesn't work. i just hate this southern hick town. i HATE IT. you try to make it on your own without help from anything. and you can't get a job. the people who rack up the welfare and pop out fifty million babies a year can get all kinds of money and fucking jobs and then quit after a week or two. it's the good ones who get the boot. fuck this man... fuck it.

it's just not fair.
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