Jun 10, 2005 14:39
CBoCh3rT: zoey
Emotif187: hi
CBoCh3rT: dont seem to happy
Emotif187: did you leave me a voicemailw ith some other people like a week or so ago?
CBoCh3rT: i dunno why
CBoCh3rT: might have might have been a nite i was drunk why
Emotif187: uhm cuz i got one and it sunde dlike you tlkaing during a portion of it
CBoCh3rT: what did i say
Emotif187: just tlakin mad shit
CBoCh3rT: oh hahaha
CBoCh3rT: i might have been drunk
Emotif187: whatever
CBoCh3rT: what the hell is ur probelem?
CBoCh3rT: you are acting so werid towards me lately
CBoCh3rT: your not the same zoey i met 3 years ago
CBoCh3rT: i dont like it
CBoCh3rT: and now that u a a girlfriend or whatever u never talk to me
Emotif187: too abd i dont have a gf
Emotif187: havent for a while now
Emotif187: i just dont like it when people call my phone talkin mad shit
CBoCh3rT: when u relize how much u mean to me and how close we use to be then call me cause this is bullshit you have been acting to werid latelt
Emotif187: and then wonder why i cut ties form them
CBoCh3rT: well whatever zoey cause what ever i said on the phone i probably didnt mean..we were drunk...and i dunno whats up ur ass today...but its bull shit...we use to be so close and now u act like ur too good to talk to me
CBoCh3rT: so whatever
CBoCh3rT: call me when u wanna talk...and relize how much i love my zoey..but as of now ill ttyl bye:-(
Emotif187: ahahahha thats exactly it! im too good for people! which is why you call me and tlka shit! there we go1
CBoCh3rT: you've changed so much
CBoCh3rT: your not the same zoey anymore
CBoCh3rT: bye
CBoCh3rT: :'(
Emotif187: then whatever. im glad im not. thanks for pointing out.
Emotif187: later
CBoCh3rT: just remember that
Emotif187: believe me id rahter not.
im not the same. im happy about that. remember: alcohol shows the truth in people. so fuck you. fuck your friends. your erased from my memory now. you brought it upon yourself.